P.Y.L. (Placa de Yeso Laminada)
Plaster, cardboard and drywall metal studs
Variable dimensions
In Quan ja no ens escalfa el sol
Curated by Zaida Trallero
Espai Rampa - La Capella (Barcelona, Spain)
06.07.23 - 24.09.23
P.Y.L. are the spanish initials for what is commonly known as drywall.
Although plasterboard has become massively popular in business and living spaces, it is a very ungrateful material: the boards are heavy, fragile, do not insulate against cold and sound and deteriorate relatively quickly. As we are able to experience in our own homes, the only quality of plasterboard is providing visual privacy.
The sculptures of P.Y.L. are made of plaster, cardboard and metal studs -the same materials plasterboards are made of- to create a sculptural composition that rethinks plasterboard by rearticulating its representations and uses.
Images: ©Pep Herrero - courtesy of La Capella (Barcelona, Spain)
P.Y.L. (Placa de Yeso Laminada)
Plaster, cardboard and drywall metal studs
Variable dimensions
In Quan ja no ens escalfa el sol
Curated by Zaida Trallero
Espai Rampa - La Capella (Barcelona, Spain)
06.07.23 - 24.09.23
P.Y.L. are the spanish initials for what is commonly known as drywall.
Although plasterboard has become massively popular in business and living spaces, it is a very ungrateful material: the boards are heavy, fragile, do not insulate against cold and sound and deteriorate relatively quickly. As we are able to experience in our own homes, the only quality of plasterboard is providing visual privacy.
The sculptures of P.Y.L. are made of plaster, cardboard and metal studs -the same materials plasterboards are made of- to create a sculptural composition that rethinks plasterboard by rearticulating its representations and uses.
Images: ©Pep Herrero - courtesy of La Capella (Barcelona, Spain)